Start Close In: Buffalo, Gun Violence, Baby Formula Shortage, War, Coronavirus, and Roe v. Wade
If you’re anything like me, you read the headlines, set your phone down, and say, “It’s too much. We can’t take much more.” And it’s true. It is too much. How do the human heart and mind even begin to feel in the face of such enormous violence, fear, and pain?
9 Steps to Embracing Yourself as a Highly Sensitive Person
The Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), also referred to as someone who experiences Sensory-Processing Sensitivity (SPS), is someone who experiences emotions and physical sensations deeply. HSPs commonly become overstimulated by things such as sounds, to-do lists, and the emotions of themselves and others around them.
Building for Liberation: Centering Black Mamas, Families, and Systems of Care
It’s Black Maternal Health Week in the middle of Minority Wellness Month. We’ve collected articles, resources, and organizations to help you listen, learn, connect, and grow in awareness and advocacy of Black Mamas everywhere.
The Courageous and Healing Work of Women
As you move through this season of renewal and celebration, we encourage you to create space to reflect on the women who have used (and are using) their skills and hearts to advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of all people.
National Creative Arts Therapies Week
March 13-19, 2022 is National Creative Arts Therapies Week. We encourage you to explore the following resources to learn more about creative arts therapies and explore your own creativity.
For the Women: International Women’s Day
For the women who share their stories, we believe you.
For the women who connect us to our ancestors, we hear you.
For the women of the past whose names we’ve never known, we want to know who you are.
Updated COVID-19 GUIDELINES (2022)
Effective Monday, August 9, 2021 we ask all staff, clients, and other guests of Nashville Collaborative Counseling Center to adhere to the following COVID-19 guidelines:
Eating Disorder Awareness Week: February 21-27, 2022
Find helpful resources for social media sharing, learning, and growth for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week here, and be sure to follow along with us on Instagram as we highlight local disordered eating/nutrition/healthy body image partners in Nashville.
Black History Month 2022: Black Health and Wellness
This year, we’re offering additional resources to encourage your ongoing reading, reflection, learning, and activism about Black History, Black Life, and Black Wellness. For yourself, for your family, for your community, for our world, learn more about this year’s Black History Month theme (Black Health and Wellness).